Why am I still doing this after 25 plus years? Because I can’t imagine anywhere else that I can have a greater impact! My name is Kym Buskirk. I am a 1st grade teacher at West Amory Elementary School and let me first say…I love what I do!!! I’ve been asked many times over
the years when I am going to retire. My answer is always the same. I truly do not know! I am still so passionate about classroom instruction, teaching and learning! My students become my family each year and I take their growth personally! I don’t feel that it is simply enough for them to grow academically. Moreover, I like to see my students become better friends to their peers,
collaborative learners and to begin developing a broader worldview. I want them to become more aware of their community and the impact they can one day make on it!
My first graders love school and exploring new things! So as a teacher, I do my best to ensure my students hold on to their fire for learning and making sense of the world around them. I try to do this in several ways! First, I make sure that I provide rich meaningful content and differentiated instruction to meet their specific learning needs. Sometimes, I teach to the entire group in whole group instruction, but many times I engage the students with small group instruction, individualized instruction and learning centers. Additionally, during my instruction, I provide kinesthetic, auditory, and visual activities to engage the many different learning styles and learning schemas in my classroom.
I don’t like to waste my students’ time! Instead, I am sure to value their time and as well their opinions. It is important to me that my students understand WHY we are learning the skills that we are. It is my belief that if students are given the reason for why we are spending time with something and how it applies to their worlds daily, they tune in a bit more. An even greater reward is when the students can make the connections themselves. It brings me the greatest joy when my kiddos are able to make sense of the learning and how it applies to the real world without my guidance!
Honestly, my goal is very simple. I want to make sure my students leave me stronger and more prepared than when they first darkened my classroom door. I am intent on being a partner with the parents in my classroom and we communicate daily! Together, I know that we will make a difference in the lives of each child. No matter what walk of life my students come from, my goal for them has and will always be the same---- to help them become life learners and to maximize their fullest potentials. Each day that I am able to continue to do what I do this goal will remain firm and true!!!