Decades projects Day 2 in Coach Clayton's American Studies classes #pantherpride

Congrats to the Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams on their wins over Aberdeen tonight!

Decades projects Day 1 Part 2 in Coach Clayton's American Studies classes #pantherpride

Decades projects Day 1 Part 1 in Coach Clayton's American Studies classes #pantherpride

AHS had an awesome Friday before getting out for Thanksgiving! Teachers had a blast playing Turkey in my Pocket and also had a Caramel Apple Nacho Bar in the lounge!

Happy Thanksgiving from AHS! We are so thankful for all of our wonderful students, parents, teachers, and community! #pantherpride

AHS is also very thankful for our Parent of the Year - Mrs. Brooke Tubb! She has served as our PTO President for two years! She and her husband, Curt have three amazing children, a daughter, Cameron, and two current seniors, Charlie and Max. #thanks #parentoftheyear #pantherpride

AHS is so proud of our Amazing Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Amanda Eddings! This past year, she had 100% of her Algebra students pass the state test! They grew over 109 points and every single one of the students in the lower quartile showed growth! #teacheroftheyear #pantherpride

Snake Game Review in Coach Patterson's US History Classes today! #pantherpride

Crayfish dissection in Mrs. Koehn's Zoology class.

Crayfish dissection in Mrs. Koehn's Zoology class.

Thank you, Mrs. Wright, for coming and doing a yoga lesson with Mrs. Dampeer’s Athletic Training classes!

Students in Mrs. Garrett's Biology Classes made home made Lava Lamps testing the density of oil and water.

Seniors in Mr. Watson's English IV class practiced finding “key” details and evidence to support one of the themes they found in the short story they’re reading.

Attention Any Students looking to sign up for December ACT: Buy One Test - Get One Free

Students in Mrs. Black's Chemistry class brewing up spooky potions.

Our SRO is AMAZING! Mr. Tim made 400 candy bags for students & faculty for Halloween. Pictured here with Teachers Academy and their candy bags (Mrs. Adams class)!

AHS "A" Celebration

AHS "A" Celebration Part 6

AHS "A" Celebration part 5