Horticulture and Culinary classes had a wonderful time hanging out in the Sweet Potato Capitol, Vardaman, MS! They were able to visit N and W Farms, eat lunch at the Ram Shack, and bought sweets at Sweet Potato Sweets. 🍬🥔
over 2 years ago, Amory CTC
Vardaman, MS
Vardaman, MS
Vardaman, MS
Vardaman, MS
Congratulations to Keith Byars on being selected as the Mississippi Construction Education Foundation's North Area Student of the Month! MCEF selects a CTE Student of the Month using the following criteria: Grades, Attendance, Discipline in Class, Outstanding Achievements, Leadership Abilities, and Post-graduation Plans.
over 2 years ago, Amory CTC
Keith Byars
Health Science 1 students practice changing a dry dressing using non-sterile technique as part of their Integumentary System Unit. 🩹🤕
over 2 years ago, Amory CTC
Audrey Reeves
Lillian Gallop
Daelyn Latham
Jackson Hamilton
Teacher Academy 1 created 3 race track bulletin boards for the students at East Amory Elementary. Who will make it to the finish line first? 🏎️🏁
over 2 years ago, Amory CTC
TA bulletin boards
TA bulletin boards
TA students
Misty Adams with students
Thanks East Amory PTO for letting Culinary celebrate an A ranking with you .. Congratulations. It’s a great day to be a Panther!!
over 2 years ago, Amory CTC
Skills USA students along with Teacher Academy students competed in Region and State competition
almost 3 years ago, Amory Schools
Students from the Career and Technical Center competing in Region and State competition
Frank the Ferret's First Friend children book; A ferret and a dog
Position Announcement SCHOOL NURSE Must be licensed to practice as a Registered Nurse (RN) Mail application and/or resume to: Mrs. Andrea Stevens Amory SD P.O. Box 330 Amory, MS 38821 Email: astevens@amoryschools.com The Amory School District is an equal opportunity employer.
almost 3 years ago, Amory Schools
Amory School District recruiting teachers at Ole Miss Teacher Recruitment.
almost 3 years ago, Amory Schools
Recruiting at Ole Miss
Due to the increasing threat of inclement weather at normal dismissal time, Amory Schools will be operating on our 60% schedule.
almost 3 years ago, Amory Schools
Amory schools are planning on a full day tomorrow, but make arrangements in case of an early release due to weather.
almost 3 years ago, Amory Schools